Saturday, March 13, 2010

Update: Moisturizing my Situation!

Ok...I admit...I haven't posted anything this week, but in my defense I just got a new puppy. I've been working round the clock getting him straight and all that jazz!

Anywho...I'm pretty much sick of doing my hair so I went back to my old trusty halfwig! I just bought some V05 conditioner so I plan to begin co-washing next week! Hopefully, this will help moisturize my situation since my hair has been awfully dry lately.

Today, I'm going to wash my hair and deep condition with ORS Mayo and follow it up with Joico's Moisture Recovery Treatment Balm!

Hopefully, my hair will grow to new lengths as I keep it protected w/ my half-wig and moisturized with my co-washes and leave-ins!

Until next time....

Happy Hair Growing and Reading,


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another Hair Texture Shot 2 lol

Here's another pic.

Another Hair Texture Shot

Here's another pic.

What's my Hair Type? I washed my 10 weeks post hair, and it feels wonderful. While I let my conditioner sit in my hair and work it's magic, I started to wonder about my hair type. Now I realize that i am NOT gifted at figuring hair types out at all so I'm hoping that:

1. My pics are clear enough for u to see since I took them on my cell.


2. Someone out there really knows their stuff about hair types and will let me know a little

Feel free to comment!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Tip of the Week: TOP 5 REASONS TO LEAVE IT IN!

I've come to realize that as a kinky curly girl one of the most important steps I have to make is to LEAVE IT IN! My leave-in conditioner has become my best friend so I decided to let it have the spotlight since it gives my hair all the SHINE most of the time! :) So without further ado...

 These are my TOP 5 REASONS that everyone should thank their conditioner for:

1. It detangles my mangles! No guesswork is needed. I am 10 weeks post, and my new growth is hard to tame so now I just load it up with my leave-in and my WIDE TOOTH comb glides on through!

2. It serves and protects! I have stopped using heat, but if i did decided to flat iron my hair when I'm completely natural, I know that my leave in would coat my strands and protect my hair from heat damage.

3. None of that Frizzy Business gets past my leave-in. I've said bye-bye to flyaways for the last time! Leave-ins helps slick my hair down and define my natural curls at the same time. What more can you possibly ask for?

4. My follicles get to SHINE! Everyone hates dull lifeless hair! Make sure your strands stay silky and shiny...just say yes to leave-ins!

5. Last, but definitely not least. I think P. Diddy said it best! It MOISTURIZES my situation and preserves my sexy!

So the next time you're in a rush and strapped for time when washing your hair, don't forget to Leave it in! Do your hair a favor. It'll thank you for it!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Mane.Maven of the Month: Lisa Arrindell Anderson

Okay, so…I was watching Madea’s Family Reunion last night, and let me just say natural hair was definitely on the scene. I never really noticed that there were so many natural-headed sisters in the movie, but oh well. I love that movie, but for some reason I was more excited about the different hairstyles I saw Lisa Arrindell Anderson rocking so….she’s my first Mane.Maven of the Month! Her hair looks so soft and fluffy, and the twists she wore in the movie were so cute! Her hair is fierce, and if my natural days are half that stunning, I can hardly wait!

Anyway, her styling secret appears to be the product Saniyyah Naturally. She’s been using their starter kit for years now, and according to her, no one does it better than them! The PJ in me had to stalk their site, and now I’m itching to buy something! I’m trying to hold out ‘til the summer, though. I wanna use up some of the products I already have in my hair stash before I add to my collection! :)