Monday, May 10, 2010

Mane Sensation: Ncutie105

Meet Ncutie105!This is one of my Natural Hair inspirations from fotki that I really wanted to feature on my blog. I hope you enjoy her interview. I know I sure did. I hope that she experiences even more success on her Natural Hair Journey because I sure am learning a lot, and I'm loving the hair that I'm seeing!

How long have you been natural?
I started to transition in April 2008 and I did the Big Chop on March 7th, 2009.

What inspired you to go natural?
I have always felt the urge to go natural, especially in high school. My aunt and I had planned to go natural and start locks together, unfortunately she passed before we could ever get it started. Five years later, after the damage from the relaxers really kicked in, I decided I was through with relaxers and I began transitioning.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday StyleWatch: Rockin' a TWA!!!

OK....June 5th....I'm almost positive (but by now ya'll should realize that I'm indecisive and change my mind a lot) I plan to BC and enjoy all my naturalness! I've been really busy in the last couple of weeks. Me and my friends started a blog...called Dreams Of Love, Life, and Success (D.O.L.L.S.)... We're trying to send a positive message out into the world, and we plan to do big things! In the mean time, I've been stalking youtube to find styles that will work for me when I BC this summer! And here is one that caught my eye by IntheTikiLounge!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oops, My Bad! Subscribe....#NaturalHair! how bout after a whole BURRRRNCH of people came to visit my site, I finally figured out that my subscription code was set up wrong. I hope ya'll didn't subscribe to some straight up foolishness due to my unscrupulous eye! :) My fault! Again, if you want to be updated on my natural hair growth progress....Subscribe! It should REALLY work now! Sorry ladies! I'm new to this blogging thing-a-ma-jig!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday StyleWatch: Twist-outs!

Twist outs are natural sets that can free your hair! Hair is set by twisting hair while wet, and the twists you create can actually be worn as a style all on their own! When worn for a couple of days, a new style is born as you untwist your natural hair and rock a twist out! Boy oh Boy I can't wait! Mahogany Curls had a great video about this....ENJOY!

Happy Sunday!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ready for my Close Up, Mr. Deville!!!

Me and my friends went to do a photo shoot today! We are about to start our own blog called D.O.L.L.S. (Dreams of Love, Life, and Success) so we are very excited! Anywho...I am soooooooooooo not the person who likes to take pics, but from what I saw they actually look kinda good...LOL! Me and my friends were goofin' off on the ride back and here's a blurry pic we took with a camera! My weave still holdin up! :)

P.S. ---I' the the LEFT! Also, I did not do my makeup...I suck at friends DOLLED ME UP BIG TIME!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What's Your Favorite Natural Hairstyle??? Your "in-case-of-emergency-style"???

Everyone has one of those days...the dreaded bad hair day!! So what's your just in case style that you can whip up in two seconds or less and still manage to be the flyest belle at the ball!!!

Trust and believe...I will be style snatchin'! I need as many hairstyle ideas for myself when I BC...because I know myself way too well! I always end up making a mad dash for it in the morning time...but I still try to look like it took me hours to get ready. ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Transitioning Tips!

I normally do my own tips of the week, but this video was so great that I had to share! I know transitioning can be a frustrating experience at times when dealing with two textures, but it'll all be worth it in the end. This woman's curly coils certainly show us that! Stay tuned for DPrincess28's Tips on Transitioning to Natural Hair from Relaxed Hair!

Check out her blog at